Paediatric Surgeon

Simon had specialist training as a paediatric and neonatal surgeon before taking up a laparoscopic fellowship in the Chinese university of Hong Kong, where he worked as an associate Professor in the academic surgical department.
After completion of specialist training and a consultancy at Great Ormond Street Hospital Simon returned to work at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and has been a consultant there for 18 years.
Some of the most common conditions:
Minimally invasive paediatric surgery
Central line
Skin lesion
HCA Healthcare UK paediatric GP virtual conference.
Watch the introduction from Simon to the 2020 conference of the British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons (BAPES):
Paediatric surgery bootcamp 2020:
Listen to Simon podcast on gastro-oesophageal reflux:
Paediatric surgical simulation:
Make an appointment
Simon trained in London at Great Ormond street Hospital and Chelsea & Wesminster. He was an Associate Professor in the academic unit in Hong Kong as well as Clinical Lead for Paediatric surgical services at The Chelsea Children’s hospital and the Royal Brompton Hospital.
He specialises in both Laparoscopic (keyhole) and open surgical procedures for neonates and children as well simple daycase surgery and more complex procedures for gastro-oesophageal reflux.
Simon has an interest in training paediatric surgeons and has developed and runs courses both in the simulation of operations as well as minimal access surgical techniques. He was a board member on the national training committee for the UK and Ireland.
Simon has been awarded 9 clinical Excellence awards during his 18 years as consultant and is a past president for the British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons (B.A.P.E.S.)

Qualifications and affiliations
President of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (B.A.P.E.S.) (2018- present)
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons England (FRCS 1996)
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (FRCS Paed Surg 2004)
Member of the Specialist Advisory Committee for training paediatric surgeons in the U.K.
Chairman of education Committee for the Brisiish Association of Paediatric Surgeons (B.A.P.S.)
Chairman of the Clinical Guidelines Committee for the International Paediatric Endosurgery Group (I.P.E.G.)
Course director for the annual U.K. simulation training course (2013 - present)
Course director for B.A.P.E.S-KARLSTORZ minimal access surgery training course (2014 - present)